Thinking to pay MCD Property Tax? People residing in Delhi must pay property tax every year to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) collects property tax from residential owners or property owners in Delhi annually. The property owners are given deadlines to make their property tax payments before the last date. People might be exploring How To Pay MCD Property Tax Online. To find out the region under which your property is situated and calculate the property tax, we have come up with a detailed guide. We’ve covered the procedure to calculate MCD Property Tax, and the methods to pay MCD Property Tax both online and offline.

Calculate Property Tax Delhi
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi [MCD] is a widely popular municipal corporation that administers the policy and actions of the metropolitan city of Delhi. In 2012, MCD was divided into 3 new bodies i.e., the North Delhi Municipal Corporation, the East Delhi Municipal Corporation, and the South Delhi Municipal Corporation. Later, in 2022, MCD was reunified again. Whether it is a residential property or vacant land, the owners of the same must pay the property tax as mentioned by the municipal corporation.
Wondering How to Calculate Property Tax Delhi? To calculate the property tax of all properties all over the capital city of Delhi, the MCD adopts the ‘Unit Area System’ formula. Using this formula, the property owners can easily calculate the property tax amount. The significant points to be noted include the annual value of the property and the rate of tax. Here’s the procedure to Calculate Property Tax Delhi using the formula:
Property Tax = Annual Value * Rate of Tax
Annual Value: The annual value of a property is calculated through this formula:
Annual Value = Unit area value per square meter X Unit area of property X Age Factor X Use Factor X Structure Factor X Occupancy Factor
Rate of Tax: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi divides the metropolitan city of Delhi into 8 categories i.e., from A to H. Based on the property valuation in each region, the categories are marked. Depending on the category, the rate of tax and the property tax calculation will be done.
Age Factor: Properties bought in recent times are imposed a higher tax compared to older properties. The age factor depends on the age of the property. The value of the age factor ranges between 0.5 and 1.
Occupancy Factor: The rent properties are imposed higher tax compared to the self-occupied properties.
Structure Factor: RCC [Reinforced Cement Concrete] Constructions are imposed higher tax compared to low-value constructions.
Unit Area of Property: It is the built-up area that doesn’t fall in the carpet area per square meter.
Use Factor: Residential properties are imposed lower taxes compared to non-residential properties. The Use Factor value will be 1.
Unit Area Value per Square Meter: This value is imposed on the built-up area of the property.
The rate of property tax will vary depending on the type of property. The types of properties include commercial property, residential property, and industrial property. Based on the category and the type of property, the rate of property tax will rely on. Check it out! Here’s the list of Property Tax Rates in Delhi for the fiscal year 2022-23:
Category | Rate of Tax on Residential Property | Rate of Tax on Industrial Property | Rate of Tax on Commercial Property |
A | 12% | 15% | 20% |
B | 12% | 15% | 20% |
C | 11% | 12% | 20% |
D | 11% | 12% | 20% |
E | 11% | 12% | 20% |
F | 7% | 10% | 20% |
G | 7% | 10% | 20% |
H | 7% | 10% | 20% |
How To Pay MCD Property Tax Online
Municipal Corporation of Delhi Property Tax can be paid in different ways. The property owners residing in Delhi or owning a property in Delhi can pay the property tax online and offline. By visiting the official website of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi i.e., at mcdonline nic in, individuals can pay the property tax. Follow the simple steps furnished below to Pay Property Tax Online Delhi. Check it out!
- Firstly, visit the official website of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi i.e., at or
- On the home page of the website, you need to select the region in which your property is located.
- From the given options i.e., South Delhi MCD, North Delhi MCD, and East Delhi MCD.
- On the next page, you will be asked to tick the checkbox to accept all the terms and conditions.
- Further, click on the link ‘Click here to file property tax’.
- The next step is to select an option from the given options i.e., Property ID for Property Tax Paid in 2021-22 or other property ID.
- You need to enter your Property ID in the given field.
- If you’re a beginner i.e., filing the property tax for the first time, you need to tap the option ‘First time Online TaxPayer’.
- If you’re a first-time taxpayer then, you won’t have a property ID. To confirm the same, click on the link ‘Click here if property id has not been allotted earlier’.
- On the next page, you will be asked to enter a few vital details.
- Mention the total area of the property for which you’re paying the property tax.
- Tick the checkbox next to the declaration i.e., ‘I have read and I accept the declaration made above’.
- Hit the ‘Submit’ button.
- You will receive a property ID on your registered mobile number.
- Make sure you safeguard the property ID as it would be required in the future to file property tax either online or offline.
- After entering the Property ID, you will be redirected to a new web page.
- On that page, you can find the details of your property and the ownership information.
- Provide your property details.
- The tax amount to be paid will be calculated automatically.
- Hit the ‘Submit’ button.
- Further, you can find different modes of MCD Property Tax Online Payment to pay the property tax i.e., through net banking, credit card, or debit card.
- Choose your preferred payment mode and proceed to pay the property tax.
- After finishing the property tax payment via net banking or credit/debit card, you need to hit the button ‘Generate Challan’.
- The challan against your property tax will be generated and displayed on the screen.
- Take a printout or download the MCD Property Tax Receipt for future reference.
That’s all! This is the easy procedure to pay House Tax Delhi Online i.e., through the official website.
How To Pay MCD Property Tax Offline?
If you don’t have an internet connection then, you can pay MCD Property Tax offline as well. Do you know How To Pay MCD Property Tax Offline? If you aren’t aware of the detailed procedure to pay property tax offline, just go through this post. In Delhi, there are more than 800 ITZ cash counters wherein you can pay property tax. Upon paying the tax amount, you will receive an MCD Property Tax Receipt instantly.
The receipt comprises your Property Tax ID, name of the property owner, address, tax amount paid, and more. The most important thing is that the individual must pay the entire property tax at once before the first quarter of the financial year. Make sure you pay the MCD Property Tax before the due date. The Last Date Of Property Tax In Delhi 2022-23 is July 31, 2022. If you ignore paying the MCD Property Tax before the last date, you will be levied some penalty for every month.
MCD Property Tax Receipt Download
If you’re paying the MCD Property Tax online, you can get the MCD Property Tax Receipt Download. The receipt can be utilized for further reference as it comprises the valid details of the property tax i.e., the Property Tax ID, date of payment, and more.
That’s all! This is everything you need to know about the MCD Property Tax. We hope this article has given adequate information about the property tax imposed on different types of properties. Through this post, we have covered both the online and offline methods to Pay House Tax Online Delhi. Do you still have any doubts? If so, let us know in the comments section. Stay in touch with our website indonline for more articles related to banking services, property tax guides, etc.
Till now, you have seen the different ways to pay the MCD Property Tax in Delhi. If you still have any doubts or queries about this article, check the frequently asked questions furnished below. Check it out!
1. How Much Is The Penalty For Delay Payment Of MCD Tax?
A penalty of 1% will be imposed each month on the property taxpayer if payment is delayed.
2. Is Delhi Municipal Tax And Property Tax The Same?
No, the property tax is different from the municipal tax. Property tax is a type of Municipal tax that must be paid by the property owners in Delhi.
3. Can I Pay The MCD Property Tax Offline?
Yes, individuals can pay the Municipal Corporation of Delhi Property Tax offline.